
Western education 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

....... dropping in for a visit.....

.... and to volunteer at the high school I was privileged to have my second practicum and T2P at.  I arrived at 7:40 am to report in and speak with the Principal and Vice Principal.  I have a deep respect for the VP's admission of her own recent journey with breast cancer.  It's not hard to see the emotion in her soft amber eyes. She understands my need to return to support the students until I am unable to.  I am happiest in the classroom and I am deeply grateful for the support and kind words as I head downstairs into the classroom.  Mrs. A sees me and the excitement on her face and the welcoming hugs are returned with equal excitement and happiness.  She is deeply concerned when I tell her that I can only be there at the most, a few days a week until the next step in my journey.  I have learned to quickly re-direct and get to the pressing business at hand..... a quick catch-up before heading out with Adam for a breakfast meeting.  It is a way for us to touch base and speak about my diagnosis away from curious ears.

I have such a deep and admiring respect for Adam.  He is an amazing father to his children, a loving and respectful husband and a wonderfully supportive friend and colleague to me.  I am deeply grateful for his support and assistance through my time at this school.  He makes me laugh!!  He is a true pioneering spirit with electronics and computers and has a vast knowledge based on many interests.  He is always thinking.......We head back to the classroom for a meeting after chatting with the VP.  She acknowledges my thankfulness for Adam's assistance.

I was able to sit down and collaborate an outline of the final group projects and the marking/rubric scheme with Mrs. A and Adam.  I was able to extend  deadlines for two students....who thought I would not return.  One quietly returned after lunch with one submission completed and a promise to submit the other two on Monday to me.  It felt genuinely great to come back!!!  I will only be able to work one day a week at the high school and the other time will be spent completing the curriculum for my other teaching position at the college.  I cannot wait until I get my new soldering iron in the mail and begin the building and testing of the project and associated ammendments.  The positive goals will keep my head occupied while my body goes through more tests and proceedures in the weeks to come.

I have enough notes to create a comprehensive project outline while Mrs. A will assist in creating the lesson plans and necessary documentations including a daily diary.  We hug and I let her know I will return on Monday with the paperwork and the two pico-boards I purchased for the students who will be programming. We are both thrilled to be working together.  While I am sitting at the desk, our student who accidentally injured my toes came up behind me, wrapped an arm over my shoulder and leaned in to apologize again for accidentally injuring me.  I looked back, smiled and warmly replied that It was was just an accident.  I have connected with so many of my students and I speak with each of them about how they are doing while we cover what academic expectations they are working on.

I pick up my brother-in-law on the way home.  It is the first time he has seen my since my diagnosis.  We sit in his living room and drink a cup of coffee.  He is deeply concerned.  We have a great friendship based on mutual respect and similar interests.  He has always been in my corner helping whenever he can.  We head back to my house where he will stay for part of the weekend.  Everyone should have an uncle Paul in their family.

I return a phone call to the head of the guidance at Mitch's school.  I am grateful for the support of his councillor as we make arrangements to inform his teachers and my first associate.  Mitchel knows that the guidance councillor will make arrangements to see him on Monday.  They will offer him the support he needs over the last four weeks of school.

Lydia returns from school on her bike.  Weaved in amongst the cables of her brake lines is a bouquet.  I can hear her rushing through the house calling to me.  I peek into the package to find the most beautiful bouquet of yellow Gerber Daisies.  A note tucked in amongst them is from Ms. Leisheid, who is one of the wonderful teachers at the school I had asked to support Lydia.  I am at a loss of words for this soul who cares so deeply for my daughter and myself.  Mrs. Panopolous, Ms. Leisheid and Ms Knight are a few of her teachers who she knows she can go to when she needs a shoulder, a hug or kind words of support. Thank you so much for your love and support in our time of need.

Mitchel's girlfriend's mother pops in to talk about him travelling out west this summer to vacation with them.  He needs a break and has worked so hard this year always supporting his sister and making our lives easier by always helping around the house.  He will be travelling there on his own and with his girlfriend on their way back.  The excitement will give him something to look forward to and take him away from his worry.

Friday night brings friends around for a quick hello and hugs including Will, Haley, Sarah (Mitch's girlfriend and Sarah.  Sarah and Len's baby is growing within Sarah's burgeoning belly. She will have another ultra sound on Friday.  I have volunteered to go with her.  Payton is  her super cuddly 2 year old.   Her laughter, bright eyes and hugs brighten the room with fun.  She loves her 'Auntie' Marita.  It is time for everyone to leave and lots of hugs later.....I am off to bed.

I wish to dedicate this blog entry to those who have shown much love to my children. It takes a village to raise a child.  The more people you surround them with who truly love and appreciate them, the more joy and acceptance they will find in their world..  They will know that even in their darkest moments, the earth has its own angels.  xoxoxoxo  Thank you to Deb Issac and Alphie Meery for their love and support.  To Chelsea, Patricia and Alan..... I love you.  Always, Marita

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